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Troubleshooting Tips for Projector Problems

We’ve all been there; ready to watch our favorite movie or deliver a crucial presentation, we click the button or flick the switch and… nothing happens. Projectors, like everything else in life, can go wrong sometimes. It can be incredibly frustrating, especially if you’re not immediately sure what is happening and what to do to resolve it.
Often the issues can be simple and quickly fixed, so here are some troubleshooting tips for some projector problems you may come across:

  • Spots on the screen: One of the most common issues are the spots and dots that can appear, which can affect the quality of what you’re projecting. It’s also one of the easiest to resolve. It’s caused by dirt and dust particles, usually on the green panel, and can be fixed by cleaning the area. Getting into the habit of regularly ensuring your projector is clean will minimize the chances of this problem reoccurring. Using a vacuum cleaner or to clear the filter is a great way to reduce the accumulation of dust. If cleaning doesn’t resolve things, there may be a bigger problem with your main board, which may need replacing.


  • The image brightness has faded: If the projector isn’t displaying as bright an image as you are used to, this could possibly be caused by the ambient light in the room. If not, the chances are that you need to replace the lamp. You can find the correct lamp for your projector model right here.


  • Images don’t appear square or don’t display fully: This is most likely because the projector isn’t angled correctly in front of the screen, so some minor adjustments will fix it quickly. If you are projecting from a computer or laptop, it could be that the resolutions don’t match, so you’ll need to adjust the resolution on your computer in order to match the projector.


  • There’s color around the edge of the image: This can happen on LCD projectors and is caused by a faulty LCD prism. These can be expensive to replace, so it might be worth considering whether a new projector would be more cost effective.


  • The projector overheats: This is another problem that can be caused by not properly looking after the projector and allowing dust to build up in the filter. It can also be the case that the fan has stopped working. If it’s the latter, you should be able to hear whether or not it’s still working, and then replace it if necessary. You may also need to consider where your projector is placed. Make sure to avoid direct sunlight.

MyProjectorLamps is the largest market for projector lamps, so if your problem is related to  a burnt out lamp, you’ll be able to find your replacement in no time at a great price!